Elite HR Logistics

Fleet Safety Program

Elite HR Logistics

Fleet Safety Program


The purpose of this guideline is for vehicle operator safety and the control of vehicle accidents.


Management is responsible for ensuring that Fleet and Driver Safety policies and procedures are established and enforced consistently. Management is responsible for providing safe equipment free from obvious defect and damage; and providing training and information to employees.

Supervisors are responsible for ensuring employees follow proper procedures; train employees in vehicle and driver safety procedures and best practices; and ensuring vehicles and equipment are maintained in proper working order.

Employees are responsible for following all company procedures and guidelines established in this document, and the safe operation of all company vehicles.


Some employees are required to operate vehicles owned by the company as a part of their duties. Almost all employees operate privately owned vehicles as a part of their daily routine. The following operating guidelines are required for drivers of company vehicles but are applicable to private driving as well:
1. The most important part of a motor vehicle is the operator. A driver with the proper attitude will be courteous to other drivers, pedestrians, and will obey all traffic laws.
2. Only drivers with current, safe-driving records will be allowed to operate company- owned vehicles. The verification process includes personal auto liability insurance.
3. No employees are authorized to operate any company owned vehicle under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, chemical substances, or any medication or drug that can cause drowsiness, poor coordination, or other physical or mental impairment.
4. All drivers of company-owned vehicles must be of legal age or the age required by the fleet insurance carrier, whichever is greater.
5. All drivers of company-owned vehicles must possess a valid operator's license for the state in which they are working. The type of license must be appropriate for the type of vehicle being operated. In the case of Commercial Driver Licenses, the endorsement on the license must also be appropriate for the type of vehicle driven or load carried.
6. All drivers of industrial equipment, such as tractors, trenchers, cranes, etc. must be thoroughly trained on the proper procedures to be followed when "roading" these vehicles.
7. Any operator of a company-owned vehicle who receives a traffic citation for a moving or a stationary violation must report the citation to his/her supervisor immediately.

8. Repeated traffic convictions, or failure to report traffic accidents or convictions, may result in disciplinary action.
9. All accidents involving company owned vehicles must be reported to the appropriate supervisor immediately, regardless of the extent of the damage.

10. Drivers of company owned vehicles are responsible for maintaining the vehicle in a clean and orderly manner.

11. Drivers of company owned vehicles are forbidden from wearing headphones, headphone radios, or other such devices that might impair their ability to hear surrounding conditions.

12. Do not give rides to hitchhikers or strangers.

13. Check your vehicle daily before each trip, and check the vehicle visually each time before driving. Check lights, tires, brakes, and steering in particular. An unsafe vehicle should not be operated until repairs are made.

14. Other safe driving rules adopted by your company, prescribed by State or Local Laws or by the applicable D.O.T. Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, must be adhered to.

15. Traffic laws must be obeyed:

 Speed shall never be faster than a rate consistent with existing speed laws and road, traffic, and weather conditions. Posted speed limits must be obeyed.

 Never attempt to exercise the right-of-way; always let the other driver go first.

 Keep to the right except when overtaking slow moving vehicles, or when getting into a position to make a left turn.

 Never follow another vehicle so closely that you will not be able to make a safe stop under any condition. Observe Timed Interval and Following Distance guidelines.
 Turn signals must be used to show where you are heading; while going into traffic and before every turn or lane change. Remember, signaling intentions neither gives the driver the right-of-way, nor guarantees a safe lane change.

 Slow down and watch for children in school zones.


There are to be no other riders in company vehicles other than company personnel. Exceptions must be approved by management. Riding as a passenger on equipment is prohibited unless the equipment has the capacity to transport personnel safely (i.e. jump seats, operator chairs, and seats).


All company vehicles must be locked and secure when unoccupied or not in use. Losses sustained for ignoring this policy will be assigned employee’s responsibility.


Moving and parking violations are the operator’s responsibility.


State statutes require one to wear seat belts when operating a motor vehicle. It is mandatory that all employees wear seat belts while driving or riding in a company vehicle.


The assigned operator of the vehicle is responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle, including the security and conduct of all passengers. No one is permitted to ride standing in a truck. Riders sitting on the outside of a truck bed, or on the tailgate, are prohibited. (Getting on or off a vehicle while it is in motion is strictly prohibited.)


1. Report all accidents, no matter how small, to management immediately.

2. Always call law enforcement officials to report an accident, no matter how minor the damage.

3. Do not make statements to anyone other than law enforcement officials.

4. Any accident involving a pedestrian must be reported to management and law enforcement immediately.


1. Engine oil, radiator, and other engine fluid levels. Replenish as needed.

2. Service brakes and emergency brakes are in good working order.

3. Tire inflation and condition. Report any damaged tires to the appropriate authority and have repairs made or replacements done before starting out.

4. Check steering components for wheel play and firmness.

5. Check windshield wipers for condition and proper operation.

6. Test horn for proper operation.

7. Check all lights, including any clearance lights that may be present on the vehicle.

8. Adjust all rear-view mirrors to suit the driver.

9. Clean all windows completely, especially when they are coated with dew or frost.

10.Make sure that the first aid kit, fire extinguisher, accident pack and emergency road flares are in place if the vehicle is so equipped.


Because the quality of job performance affects the success of the entire fleet operation and directly influences the fleet safety performance, every effort should be made to select the most qualified available person for each job.

Proper selection of drivers requires that two conditions be met:

1. Management should know and define the specifications or requirements of the job to be filled.

2. The driver’s ability to meet these requirements should be determined using various sources and techniques:

 An application form filled out in the driver applicant’s own handwriting is one of the best tools toward obtaining information. It should be an application designed for drivers and the driving task.

 A personal interview provides face-to-face contact and further appraisal of job knowledge, and qualifications.

 References help to verify information from the application and interview along the past performance. Phone or written checks with pervious employers is essential good selection procedures.

 One of the most important references to check is the MVR (Motor Vehicle Records) at the State Motor Vehicle Authority.

 Physical examinations provide reasonable assurance that the applicant is physically able to perform the job -- they are a legal requirement in many instances. Here again the physical exam should be accomplished with the driving task in mind. The type physical prescribed by the Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) motor carrier safety regulations are a good example.

 Written tests on traffic regulations can be a valuable tool. Test results should be placed in the driver’s file.

 Driving tests -- All employees who drive as a part of their duties should be given a road test, in traffic, in the type of vehicle they are expected to drive. Road test results should be documented.

 The information you have collected should be assembled, and a permanent personal record should be established. (Driver qualification files are required in federally regulated fleets.)


All new drivers, whether they are new hires or non-driving employees being assigned to driving jobs, should be treated as new drivers.

Proper training and orientation is essential to the success of new drivers. It is illogical to expect high performance from an employee who has had no instruction in what is expected of him or her. The new driver should become thoroughly acquainted with the duties of the job.

Each driver should be instructed in, and become familiar with, company policy, rules, and regulations regarding safety, and should be trained in proper defensive driving techniques, as well as, company rules and regulations for handling equipment.

It is recommended that a new driver be given a written examination and a road test in the equipment he or she will be required to operate. This should be done by a supervisor or a senior driver with a good driving record.

Drivers should also be trained in the selection of safe routes to avoid high traffic congestion and crime activity. A direct correlation can frequently be detected between accident frequency and route patterns.

Training must be an ongoing program for all drivers. Safety meetings, safety posters, bulletins, and newsletters are medias to keep drivers informed and up-to-date on driving techniques.

In addition to the training listed above, the drivers should be trained in the proper inspection procedure of the vehicle before the vehicle is put on the road each day (sample attached). The inspection of the vehicle by the drivers may reduce the exposure to putting an unsafe vehicle on the road.


A supervisor’s attitude toward safe driving will greatly affect the attitude and driving performance of those responsible to him.

 Supervisors should be held accountable for safety performance in their areas of responsibility.

 Supervision should be provided in terms of proper and safe job performance.

 Lines of communication between management and drivers should be kept open.

 It is often advisable to provide specialized training for supervisors including safety conference and fleet supervisor or management courses.


It is essential that each driver, and supervisor be properly instructed in procedures to follow in case of an accident, including the proper completion and submission of accident reports and supervisor’s reports of accidents.

An accident report should be completed in duplicate by the driver and submitted to the supervisor. One copy will be for submission to the Insurance Company, and the other will be for company records.

In addition to the accident report completed by the driver involved, a Supervisor’s Report of Accident should be completed by the driver’s immediate supervisor. The supervisor should determine the root cause of the accident and make appropriate recommendations to prevent similar type losses in the future.

The establishment of a procedure to review accidents, determine their cause, and provide recommended correction is of prime importance if future losses are to be controlled.


Mechanical failures, while accounting for a small percentage of vehicle accidents, are often quite serious in nature.

A procedure should be established for determining the specifications for new equipment based on its intended use.

An effective preventive maintenance plan must be established. Guidance may be obtained from the equipment manufacturer.

Records should be kept for each piece of equipment -- this is an often overlooked legal requirement in the case of federally regulated fleets.

Benefits of preventive maintenance:

1. Reduction in accidents.
2. Less down time.
3. Reduced maintenance.
4. Improved driver morale.
5. Better sales and public relations.


An informal policy of enforcement of drivers’ rules, regulations, and performance is unacceptable. Strict guidelines must be established that will clearly dictate company policy towards repeat violators and/or those identified as having repeat accidents within a short time frame.

In establishing a policy with respect to Motor Vehicle Records, Appendix H is a sample Motor Vehicle Report Evaluation Guidelines to assist in determining driver eligibility.


Motor Vehicle Records should be reviewed at hire and annually thereafter. MVRs should be evaluated against the Motor Vehicle Report Evaluation Guidelines.


The following are specific assigned responsibilities under this Fleet and Driver Safety Program. The purpose of these assigned responsibilities is to increase ownership in the program at all levels as well as ensuring implementation and compliance with the elements of the program.

Associates identified in each tier group are responsible
for performing those specific assignments.

Manager: Assignment:

Supervisor: Assignment:

Employee: Assignment:

Others: Assignment:







We have decided to initiate a safety program to improve the operation of our fleet. We fully recognize that you, as a driver of a company vehicle, play a key part in our mutual effort to reduce losses involving vehicles.

In order to assist you in doing a better job, we are initiating a fleet safety program designed to promote safety awareness in the part each of us play in a continuing accident prevention program.

I am personally taking charge of the safety program to promote more effective results. ________________________________ will be responsible to me for carrying out the details of a complete fleet safety program and will assist each of you in performing your job safely.

I solicit your help and want you to be constantly alert to the hazards of your job. Follow instructions, and avoid the “thoughtless acts” that might involve you or your fellow workers in an accident.

Do not hesitate to bring in safety suggestions to your supervisor. We cannot lick the accident problem alone, but with your help, we can do it.

A Fleet Safety Summary will be forthcoming to explain the details of our safety program.

Everyone benefits when we stop accidents.







We want each of you to know and understand our company’s position on fleet and driver safety.

Motor vehicle accidents cost our company money, as well as, introduce the possibility of injury to you and the general public. We, as a company, are counting on your support in helping our firm control and reduce motor vehicle accidents. We have established the following guidelines so that we may all understand what our company’s position is, and all work together to reduce motor vehicle accidents.

Driver Selection:

Each new driver will complete the attached Driver Questionnaire, and his or her Motor Vehicle Record will be checked. We will also check prior employment references, and any discrepancies revealed in our pre-employment investigations will have to be reviewed prior to hiring the driver. We seek a driver who is stable, mature, and has a good driving record.

Authorized Use of Company Vehicle:

The vehicles are provided for business use, unless prior permission is received from management for other than business use. Only the assigned operators can operate the vehicle, and use of the vehicle by non-employees and family members is not allowed, unless prior authorization is received.

Vehicle Maintenance:

Each driver is responsible for checking the conditions of his or her vehicle for safety defects prior to any daily operation. You should report any problems immediately to your supervisor.

Accident Reporting Procedures:

Each accident, no matter how small, must be immediately reported to your supervisor. Accident Reporting Kits have been provided for each vehicle by the insurance company. Each driver should review these kits, and the material should be used to take the necessary steps if you are involved in an accident.

Driver Discipline:

Our company will not tolerate the use of drugs or alcohol while you are operating a company vehicle. It is the policy of our company to terminate employees immediately for using drugs or alcohol while operating company vehicles.

Each accident will be reviewed by Management to determine whether it was preventable or non-preventable. If you are involved in more than one preventable accident in a company vehicle, you may lose your driving privileges.

Thank you for your support.






Check any defective item and give details under “REMARKS.”

Air Compressor Horn Springs
Air Lines Lights Starter
Battery - Head / Brake Steering
Brake Accessories - Tail / Dash Tachograph
Brakes - Turn Indicators Tires
Carburetor Mirrors Transmission
Clutch Muffler Wheels
Defroster Oil Pressure Windows
Drive Line On-Board Recorder Windshield Wipers
Engine Radiator Front Axle
Fifth Wheel Rear End Heater
Safety Equipment Other Other
- Fire Extinguisher - -
- Flags/Flairs/Fuses - -
- Spare Bulbs/Fuses - -
- Spare Seal Beam - -
Brake Connections Hitch Tarpaulin
Brakes Landing Gear Tires
Coupling Chains Lights – All Wheels
Coupling (King) Pin Roof Springs
Doors Other -
- -








One of the basic steps in analyzing vehicle accidents is to determine the types that are occurring and the frequency in which they occur. The Vehicle Accident Types on the next page are designed to aid in the analysis. Their use provides uniformity in placing individual accidents into the proper categories. There are few simple rules that should be considered in their use:

 Don’t confuse accident types and accident causes. “Too fast for conditions” or “mechanical failure” are causes. They may cause or contribute to an accident, but are not types. Once predominant types are identified it is then time to identify causes.

 Don’t mix accident types and avoidability. In analyzing vehicle accidents by type, do not consider if they are avoidable or unavoidable. This to, is another separate and distinct step.

 An accident should be placed in only one type. A single accident may involve several occurrences but will have only one major or primary type involved. For example, a vehicle may strike another vehicle in an intersection. Following that collision it strikes a parked car and overturns. The correct type would be intersection. The occurrence involving the parked car (Hit Stationary Object) and the overturn are secondary events resulting from the intersection collision.

 If a large number of accidents are placed in Type 14 (All Other) it may be an indication that the accidents were not examined in enough detail for proper placement in types. If this is not the case, it may be necessary to further break down Type 14 into sub-classes.

 When considering total accidents by type, severity, as well as frequency, must be weighed. While many times lower in frequency, Types 1, 2, 3, and 4 are high dollar loss potential types.


1. HIT OTHER IN REAR - An accident in which the insured strikes the rear of a vehicle in front of the insured’s vehicle, moving in the same direction or stopped, but not parked.

2. INTERSECTION - An accident in which the insured and another vehicle collide at intersecting or merging roads, streets, drives, or pathways. Point of impact can be head-on or broadside. Either vehicle could have failed to yield right of way, ran a stop sign or stoplight, or made an unexpected turn in front of the other vehicle. Also included is collision with a train.

3. PEDESTRIAN - An accident in which the insured strikes or is struck by a pedestrian or an individual riding an animal or bicycle.

4. HEAD-ON COLLISION - An accident where there is head-on contact between the insured’s vehicle and a vehicle moving in the opposite direction. Point of impact can be fully or partially head-on. Also applies if either vehicle has pulled over and stopped before impact.

5. CUT IN OR OUT - SIDESWIPED - An accident which is the result of either the insured or another vehicle changing lanes or cutting in or out of traffic. Also applies to sideswipes when both vehicles are moving in the same direction. Point of impact can be on the side or front or rear corners.

6. BACKING - An accident in which the insured’s vehicle, while moving in reverse, strikes another vehicle or a stationary object.

7. HIT STATIONARY OBJECT - An accident in which the insured strikes a parked vehicle or strikes a fixed object (buildings, walls, bridges, hydrants, gas pumps, poles, wires, trees, etc.).

8. PULLED FROM PARKED POSITION - An accident in which the insured strikes or is struck by a passing vehicle as the insured pulled from a curb parked or doubled parked position.

9. LOADING - UNLOADING - DELIVERY - CARGO FALLING INTO CLAIMANT’S PATH - An accident not involving the driving of the insured’s vehicle but which was connected with or resulted from the loading, unloading, or delivery of cargo. Also applies to cargo falling on the road while in transit.

10. JACKKNIFE - Any accident in which the insured’s vehicle jackknifes. It may be due to the sudden application of brakes on a wet or icy road, or any other action which causes the tractor and trailer to turn at a sharp angle to each other. The accident may result in injury or damage to another vehicle, a pedestrian or a fixed object.

11. UPSET - An accident in which the insured’s vehicle turned or rolled over, not as the result of a collision with another vehicle, fixed or stationary object. Insured’s vehicle may have skidded or left roadway.

12. INSURED PARKED - An accident in which the insured vehicle is struck while parked on or off of the roadway, in a lot or yard.

13. INSURED HIT IN REAR - An accident in which the insured vehicle is struck in the rear by another vehicle. Insured vehicle may be moving, slowing, or stopped in traffic, but not parked.

14. ALL OTHER - An accident that cannot properly be assigned to any other code. This would also include alleged accidents, of which the insured has no knowledge.


When using the MVR chart, consider only those incidents occurring within the preceding three years.

License suspension 15
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) 15
Driving Under the Influence of Narcotics (DUIN) 15
Any “serious” violation (i.e. reckless driving, endangering the lives of others, racing, etc.) 15
Bodily injury accidents 6
Driving in excess of 5 m.p.h. over any posted speed limit. 5
Accidents of any other kind 5
Any standard violation (careless driving, traffic light, stop sign, lane crossover, failure to signal, failure to keep right, etc.) 4
Listed as not-at-fault or non-chargeable 0

0 to 9 points Acceptable
10 to 14 points Probation
15 or more points Unacceptable
(Resulting in loss of company vehicle driving privileges)

I have read and understand the purpose of the above reference Motor Vehicle Report evaluation criteria.

Print Employee Name Supervisor’s Name

Signature Department


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